Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fears and Such

I'm a worrier. I worry about things when I don't have something to think about. I worry about people's reactions to me, I worry about my grades, I worry about not worrying about my grades, I worry about eating too much, I worry about not eating enough, and I especially worry about things that are far beyond my control. These general worries make me a mess when I'm left to my own devices. This is why I never stop working on things. I either have to be reading or writing, planning or building, cleaning or messing up. If I ever stop moving, I get an unpleasant feeling in the pit of my stomach. These things stretch over to almost everything I do, and sometimes I just want to admit what silliness I tend to worry about:

  • If I do not do the dishes, they might rebel after gaining their independence.
  • (If I do the dishes too often they will become overworked, lethargic, and generally useless.)
  • If I don't do well in school, I won't graduate and everyone I know will pity me and hate me.
  • (Doing too well means that people tend to think I'm intelligent.)
  • Reading outside might draw the ire of the local Rocs that will swoop down and carry me away before I can write my last will and testament.
  • (Reading inside will anger the Gnomes.)
  • Local law enforcement confiscating my computer after learning about the stash of highly valuable Very Large Primes located on my external hard drive.
  • (Actually having them requires figuring out how to generate them using a Raspberry Pi.)
  • The God of Stoplights (an ancient deity long forgotten and re-situated during the 1930's New Gods Act in response to the rise of technology in the new world) might cancel our agreement about yellow lights.
  • (Also that I might remember what I signed away in that agreement.)
  • Thursday might actually be Friday at one point, and that we only have 6 days in the week from now on.
  • (Not to mention the implications on the length of the year and the extreme haste to the heat death of the universe.)
  • That perhaps one day there will be no more potato chips.
  • (And no twice baked potatoes either...)
  • Japanese Giant Hornets. 

There. Those are the things that I worry about on a constant basis. Trust me, it's a terrible existence that you want no part of. Also, rocs are a protected species in Michigan. Who would have guessed?

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